Since i'm getting my XPS 410 soon, my obselete PC will become even more obsolete...I want to make it into somewhat of a gaming PC that can play games at med-high to high (not DX10 however)The specs are as follows:P4 2.4GHZ512mb RAM @ 333mhz80GB HDD @ 5,400 RPM (4.5GB left)nVidia BFG 5500FX OCPSU ???? i'm guessing 200-300WWindows XP2 discs drives (the exact same 2 that are coming in my new PC LOLOLOL)I'm looking at spending under $300 for the whole thing, obviously cuz ihave a case, monitor, speakers, and disk drives, and one HDD already...Use Newegg to find me the parts, eventhough i won't be using newegg. Imight actually check out a used computer parts store near me (one of my freinds built a CPU mainly from parts there)This would be great practice for building my own PC from scratch in the future, as well as giving me a PC at home if I ever come home for a break during College... (note i said ''if i ever'')* i also want to note thati want it to be a duo core 2, even if its a lower end one...tricking out my old PC...
if $300 is too low, just find me good as possible parts for the lowest price possibletricking out my old PC...
So far, how is this? GPU may not be what i exactly want, but I'm not sure what is the best for the price...
[QUOTE=''GANGSTA287'']* i also want to note thati want it to be a duo core 2, even if its a lower end one...[/QUOTE]
Ok...hold it right there. I just started to look, and then I saw that. What you want to do simply cannot be done, for several reasons. First off, your motherboard does not support C2D procs. I guarantee it. That means you're in it for a new mobo (minimum $60-$70, probably more). Since you have to upgrade your mobo, you'll have to buy new RAM, and you'll want at least a gig (roughly $80-$100). The new motherboard will have PCIe, not AGP, which I'm sure is what you have now. Thus you will need a new graphics card. Something in the 7 series should do you nicely (about $100). Finally, you actually have to buy that new processor (a minimum of perhaps $120 and much more expensive for anything good). You simply cannot do it for that kind of money. Not for anything close. Oh, and I almost forgot...if that's a prebuilt computer you're upgrading (a Dell, Compaq, etc), then you won't be able to use that copy of XP with the new mobo. The key is tied to the board. Now, if you want to just upgrade a few parts, and keep that processor (which is probably socket 478), then get a 7900GS and a gig of RAM. You may or may not need a new power supply to power that. You should be good then.
Well.. you chose an X2 3600+ which is not compatible with the motherboard you already have.. so you'll need a mobo as well.That RAM is notebook memory.. so you messed up there too.I'm thinking you have an AGP FX5500 right now, so that 7600GT wouldn't work... unless you got a new motherboard.. and here's a cheaper 7600GT.[url][/url]Nothing wrong with the hard drive though.
how do you know if it's compatible or not?
processor $77ram $35mo therboard $70 graphics card $80 total=$266 which leaves you a little left over if you need a new powersupply
MSI K9N Neo-F motherboard.[url][/url]X2 3800+ (65W)[url][/url]eVGA 7600GT[url][/url]G.SKill 1GB DDR2 800[url][/url]
$286.47 without shipping, although you could lower the price a bit by getting cheaper RAM.[url][/url]And if you need a power supply, FSP Group 400W[url][/url]
@Hiryuu_ %26 mastershake575
That's great, except he isn't going to be able to install that copy of XP on a system with a new mobo...which will add at minimum about $90 to the equation (assuming he can find an OEM copy or is a student and can get a discount...otherwise it will be more).