Tuesday, April 13, 2010

8800gts 320mb or 640mb

Well im just wondering if there is a big performance difference between a 320mb or a 640mb because im wondering if its really worth my extra 100$ or 80$.8800gts 320mb or 640mb
If you can spend the extra money, go for it. Although you wont notice much of a performance difference between the 320 and 640 unless you play on higher resolutions.
8800gts 320mb or 640mb
thanks for the answer and i dont really play games on resolutions higher than 1280x800 so i guess ill be fine with the 320mb.
Not at all, unless you play at high resolutions with AA (antialiasing) on.
i had the same question but i think ill go with the 640mb because i will be using my 1080p lcd tv as a monitor.
[QUOTE=''Peter_Darkstar'']If you can spend the extra money, go for it. Although you wont notice much of a performance difference between the 320 and 640 unless you play on higher resolutions.
[/QUOTE] Higher resolusion doesn't take memory too much. Low mem cause you can't max out of texture, model, effect. But 320mb is enough for games today. When games require 512mb, 8800gts is outdated.

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