Thursday, April 15, 2010

fully uninstalling norton?

i am about to uninstall norton. i was just wondering is there any special way to uninstall it compleatly off my pc?fully uninstalling norton?
anyone have any input? thanksfully uninstalling norton?
If I remember correctly, they have a little tool on their site that allows you to uninstall it completely. Otherwise little pieces of it stay on your system.
Norton removal tool is what your looking for.
Ah thank you for doing the work I was too lazy to do. Good man.
lol no problem :)
should i use add and remove programs first, then use Norton removal tool? or just the tool and that is it? thanks
[QUOTE=''gregdpw'']should i use add and remove programs first, then use Norton removal tool? or just the tool and that is it? thanks[/QUOTE] use the uninstal on add%26 remove.... athen norton tool.
cool thanks!
[QUOTE=''gregdpw'']should i use add and remove programs first, then use Norton removal tool? or just the tool and that is it? thanks[/QUOTE]That tool won't remove any more of Norton than Add or Remove Programs will. The removal tool is designed for situations when Norton refuses to uninstall using normal methods, usually due to a failed or damaged install. If Norton willing uninstalls from Add or Remove Programs, the Norton Removal Tool is redundant.
That's true, but I would be surprised if he is actually able to uninstall it completely just using the Add or Remove Programs tool. Norton is rather resilient
No no no. The removal tool removes a bunch of stuff that a regular uninstall doesn't, files deep down in your system and what not. use the removal tool ONLY. uninstalling in the add/remove programs, then running the tool is wrong. Use only the removal tool to COMPLETELY uninstall it. If you have problems with the tool (vista has issues with it) then do the regular add/remove programs uninstall.

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