Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Windows_old - Vista troubles

Not sure how this happened, but I seem to have Vista installed 3 times. Because of some stupidness on my part I guess, I have two Windows_old folders eating my hard drive space.I presumed I could safely just delete these, but it tells me I don't have permission. Any suggestions? I want all the hard drive space I can get. :)Windows_old - Vista troubles
Heres your answer [url]http://dban.sourceforge.net/[/url]Windows_old - Vista troubles
Not sure about Vista, but are you sure you're logged in as an administrator?
[QUOTE=''MondoCool'']Heres your answer [url]http://dban.sourceforge.net/[/url][/QUOTE]Ha ha. Ha. Haha. Ha. Laugh. How about I just take an acetylene torch to my hard drive? That should remove it, huh?[QUOTE=''RayvinAzn'']Not sure about Vista, but are you sure you're logged in as an administrator?[/QUOTE]Yeah. I'll try deleting it in safe mode later. The whole idea of the Windows_old thing is to get your files from an old Windows version, so there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to delete it when I'm done with it. And I'm done with it.EDIT: I have to remove the folder through the disk cleanup utility. Problem fixed.

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