Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Question about sata.

Do the sata hard drives have a longer lifespan than that of ide hard drives? I hear my hard drive making it's last gasping breathes and I think it's time for me to buy a new one...Question about sata.
They don't have a longer lifespan, no. Same platter, same spindle, etc. How old is your current drive? Most hard drives these days will be good for five years at least. Well, they have warranties that long anyway.Question about sata.
Hmm, well maybe it's my case fan making that sound then. My hard drive is only like 2-3 years old max. I just bought a new cpu fan so that shouldn't be it.
[QUOTE=''RayvinAzn'']They don't have a longer lifespan, no. Same platter, same spindle, etc. How old is your current drive? Most hard drives these days will be good for five years at least. Well, they have warranties that long anyway.[/QUOTE]Well Seagates and some Western Digital drives. The standard so far as I can tell is still one year, Seagate is the only company with a 5 year standard. Several companies only have 1 year warranties, some like Hitachi, Maxtor, and Western Digital have a range (1-3 Hitachi, Maxtor and 1-5 WD) but only Seagate has a 5 year standard.
[QUOTE=''Runningflame570''][QUOTE=''RayvinAzn'']They don't have a longer lifespan, no. Same platter, same spindle, etc. How old is your current drive? Most hard drives these days will be good for five years at least. Well, they have warranties that long anyway.[/QUOTE]Well Seagates and some Western Digital drives. The standard so far as I can tell is still one year, Seagate is the only company with a 5 year standard. Several companies only have 1 year warranties, some like Hitachi, Maxtor, and Western Digital have a range (1-3 Hitachi, Maxtor and 1-5 WD) but only Seagate has a 5 year standard. [/QUOTE]Well mine is a Maxtor, and I'm a little worried because I can hear a pattern of buzzing that disappears and reappears time and time again.I disconnected my case fans and I could still hear the buzzing, I had just replaced my cpu fan and it doesn't sound like it's coming from that fan.
It's entirely possible that your drive is running into problems after 2-3 years. Run chkdsk and see if it comes up with anything.
Ya l decided to invest in sata and very pleased l see no change but its quiet:roll:
SATA is ok I guess. Cables are smaller and no need for slave/master crap anymore.
[QUOTE=''roulettethedog'']SATA is ok I guess. Cables are smaller and no need for slave/master crap anymore.[/QUOTE]It also has the benefit of better heat management/dissipation due to the shape of the cabling.

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