Your temperatures are fine. My heavily overclocked 7600GT idles 59C and under load hits up to 85C.Video cards are safe up to 100C and above, and nVidia's ''slowdown temperature'' is like 130C.Safe gpu Tempature for my 7600gs?
But my cardisnt overclocked and with that pci fan it should be cooler right?
PCI fans are pretty much useless, IMO... but I suppose it could be a bit cooler.I wouldn't worry about your temperatures though.
Should i bring my pci fan closer to the graphics card? or just turn up the speed from med to high?
or put it on low?
Anyone with more info?
Your temperatures are fine. Do whatever you want with the fan.
I have the same video card, the avarage temperature playing Half Life 2 and GuildWars is about 72C, so i guess you shouldn't worry.
Well fixing the cable magement should low the themperatures greatly, but that temperature is fine, my x1900xtx on stock cooler on my old rig and old case, got to 100C, I got 2 new cases after that and now its way overclcoked with the stock cooler, and it still remains quite cold.
Im sure it is fine but wow! My BFG 8800 GTS 640 was at 130 farenheit so that seems pretty high..
[QUOTE=''frizzyman0292'']Im sure it is fine but wow! My BFG 8800 GTS 640 was at 130 farenheit so that seems pretty high..[/QUOTE]Thats a mere 52C.
Sweet thats cool i wonder why it is so cool my cpu is 23c.. Well its watercooled (cpu)
Front should be intake.
Back should be exhaust.
Top should be exhaust.
Most of the time, side should be intake.
[QUOTE=''LordEC911''] [QUOTE=''04dcarraher'']
Front should be intake.
Back should be exhaust.
Top should be exhaust.
Most of the time, side should be intake.[/QUOTE] Well that top fan in front of case is a turbine fan that moves 100 cfm outake only, well by puting that rear fan blowing in lower my cpu temp 5c. my sides are just vent holes. also the cables are a bit neater after the pic. but should i move that pci fan closer to the video card or just turen up the speed?
Anymore info about this?
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