Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I can't get Into BIOS... plz help me...

Can u help me?I can't get Into BIOS... plz help me...
have you been able to do it before?I can't get Into BIOS... plz help me...
It just ets into windows first ting I don't know waht key to press...I have an Intel 865GBF mobo...
Try tapping F3 on initial boot up of the PC.I sure as hope that you're smart enough not trying to get into the BIOS of a Dell/HP/Any Pre-build. :
|nah it's jus my old P4 am tryin to overclock a bit...
The 'delete' key is also one they use as well as the ''Esc'' key to get into BIOS.
I don't think Intel BIOS allows you to overclock, unless you have a motherboard from the 'Extreme Series'.

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