Thursday, April 15, 2010

Help: WinXp setup doesnt want to detect my HDD

I went to eat something and when i came back my screen was black full of strange symbols, i restarted and my pc doesnt want to bot, i installed my HDD on another PC which was using vista and after logging in i could acces my hdd but when i wanted to copy files the pc freezed. I saw my last hope in puting my WinVista into the drive, and viola i could update to it but the system was really slow (rig in sig) and my files started to dissapear so i belived my pc was infected with virus. Again thought maybe i can format my PC with WinXP but when i put the cd in the instalation program didnt detect any HDD strange thing is that my bios detects that i have my HDD connected.

Im shure that a virus messed up all my data and system files, does anyone know how do format my HDD without using the WinXP instalation disc, ... i dont have a floppy dirve .... to create a MS-DOS disquette.
Is therea way to creat a booting CD / DVD ??

THxHelp: WinXp setup doesnt want to detect my HDD
what os are you trying to install? xp can have issue detecting sata drives. have you got a spare ide drive? if you do you could set if it detects that. I had issies trying to install xp to my sata drive. I started the install through windows on a ide drive and that got it detected.Help: WinXp setup doesnt want to detect my HDD
Could be a virus or dying hard drive.If you can, there is dianogstic boot disc available on the internet (my particular favourite is Hiren's boot CD), use that to scan your HDD for any problems.
Sounds like a SATA drive go into the bios under sata options and tell it to detect as IDE(not sure thats what it says but don't detect as raid controller) if you have xp sp2 it should see the drive now. If you don't have Xp Sp 2 heres how to make a slipstream disk.

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