Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ls this RAM good

Hi, l just ordered this ram form Newegg l plan on overcloaking and l already have 1GB of OCZ gold so l was wondering lf this is good and will play nice with my other ram both are pc5400 But my ocz is at 667mhz this is 675mhz will this crap blow up in my face and will it play nice togethercrap l cant copy and past in firefoxCorsair XMS2 dual channel 2 x 1GB = 2GB l got vista so l need lots of RAMpslm in love wit vista all vista haters stop hatn on itill be palyin games lik all VALVE games fear and bf2ls this RAM good
So you want to run a 3x1GB configuration? The speeds and everything should be just fine, I wouldn't worry about that. What I would recommend you do is put those two Corsair sticks in the first two (not position-wise, but use-wise) slots on your motherboard (should be covered in your manual), and use the OCZ stick in the third slot.ls this RAM good
no l got 512 x 1gb of ocz
My mobo is a 570 nforce sli Compatible???srry forgot bout edit post
[QUOTE=''xIMBIx'']no l got 512 x 1gb of ocz[/QUOTE]Then move it to the third and fourth slots. As for your motherboard, nForce 570 doesn't tell me much about it - brand and model are going to be of more use here than chipset.
lt says in the manula it surports corsair some other type but not this type but the corsair brand good??oya it says 667mhz not 675mhz will this be a prob l got my current ram oced will the corsair automatically oc when l put it in or should l put it back to 667mhzthanks
You might have to re-attain your overclock, but things should be just fine. You won't notice a RAM speed hit of 2MHz at any rate.
Alright man thanks Happy Gamming

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