Tuesday, April 13, 2010

is this a good graphics card?

for such games as oblivion and other games...

also... is it integrated? so that i can free up some of my RAM?


its the first card on the top.is this a good graphics card?
that card isn't the greatest card, and im pretty sure it wont be able to do much better on DX10. if all you're gonn play is DX9 games, pony up a few extra dollars and get a 7900GS. If you need DX10, either work and save a lot more and snag an 8800 GTS, or wait for the G92is this a good graphics card?
an intergrated card wil not be good enought to run oblivion its designed for surfing, and web processing things. you will need to get a pci-e praphics card.
It's pretty decent, and no.. it isn't an integrated graphics card. :)I'd suggest getting this cheaper overclocked MSI 8600GT, unless you want the silent Gigabyte 8600GT with Supreme Commander..[url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127286[/url]
[QUOTE=''Hiryuu_''] It's pretty decent, and no.. it isn't an integrated graphics card. :)I'd suggest getting this cheaper overclocked MSI 8600GT, unless you want the silent Gigabyte 8600GT with Supreme Commander..http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127286[/QUOTE] the GFX card can actually be the loudest thing in your system. take for instance, my system. my X1600PRO has this crappy 50mm fan, and it is so frikin loud!!!
No one cares about your crappy X1600Pro. :)My 7600GT is pretty quiet, and I'm pretty sure the 8600GT uses a similar heatsink + fan.
[QUOTE=''353535355353535''][QUOTE=''Hiryuu_''] It's pretty decent, and no.. it isn't an integrated graphics card. :)I'd suggest getting this cheaper overclocked MSI 8600GT, unless you want the silent Gigabyte 8600GT with Supreme Commander..http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127286[/QUOTE] the GFX card can actually be the loudest thing in your system. take for instance, my system. my X1600PRO has this crappy 50mm fan, and it is so frikin loud!!![/QUOTE]LOLOLOL my BFG FX5500 OC in my old PC sounds like a small propellor plane (i think the fan is broken)
[QUOTE=''yoyo462001'']an intergrated card wil not be good enought to run oblivion its designed for surfing, and web processing things. you will need to get a pci-e praphics card.[/QUOTE]

alright everyone. thanks for the replies, it did help me.

and also, to yoyo... my card right now is integrated and i can play oblivion :D not on max specs, but still good enough for the game to be fun.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814143070Go with a 7900GS, its better than the 8600GT an only a few dollars more but either one of them will smoke your intergrated graphics ;)edit: You have vista so you might want to bump your ram up to 2gb, ram is very cheap atm so definately look into it.
The 7900 will be more powerful than the 8600GT, though the 8600 is slitely better tham the 7600. For oblivion an other games medium to high with descent frames.
lol the 8600GT can max oblivion no probs. I used to have it it maxed nearly every game I had at 1024x768 res (That was the highest my moniter could go)
Not at all an accurate assessment. The resolution limitation means you have no idea what an 8600 GT can or cannot do in Oblivion. It's only a 128 Bit card, same as a 7600 GT is, and has all the inherent mid-level ceiling limits that one has.
[QUOTE=''Kiwi_1'']Not at all an accurate assessment. The resolution limitation means you have no idea what an 8600 GT can or cannot do in Oblivion. It's only a 128 Bit card, same as a 7600 GT is, and has all the inherent mid-level ceiling limits that one has. [/QUOTE]

Uhh I do know what it can and cant do I use to have it :
|[QUOTE=''Hiryuu_'']No one cares about your crappy X1600Pro. :)My 7600GT is pretty quiet, and I'm pretty sure the 8600GT uses a similar heatsink + fan.[/QUOTE]payback for earlier!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO
It a pretty decent mid range dx10 card, will run all current games fine and has the features to run future dx10 games
[QUOTE=''353535355353535''][QUOTE=''Hiryuu_''] It's pretty decent, and no.. it isn't an integrated graphics card. :)I'd suggest getting this cheaper overclocked MSI 8600GT, unless you want the silent Gigabyte 8600GT with Supreme Commander..http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127286[/QUOTE] the GFX card can actually be the loudest thing in your system. take for instance, my system. my X1600PRO has this crappy 50mm fan, and it is so frikin loud!!![/QUOTE] so true the 40mm fan that came with 7800gt was like a jet taking off when a game was running. I swapped it with a zalman fan and my rig was suddenly much quiter with under half the noise
[QUOTE=''LouieV13'']lol the 8600GT can max oblivion no probs. I used to have it it maxed nearly every game I had at 1024x768 res (That was the highest my moniter could go)[/QUOTE] why do you mean by max? try sliding all the sliders all the way to the right and watch the frame rate turn into a slide show
The 8600GT is does particularly well in shader-intensive games like Oblivion, so it's no surprise he could max it @ 1024x768... hell the 8600GT could run Oblivion pretty smoothly on max settings @ 1280x1024.
It's a pretty good card, but I'd rather get an x1950 probably.
[QUOTE=''imprezawrx500''][QUOTE=''LouieV13'']lol the 8600GT can max oblivion no probs. I used to have it it maxed nearly every game I had at 1024x768 res (That was the highest my moniter could go)[/QUOTE] why do you mean by max? try sliding all the sliders all the way to the right and watch the frame rate turn into a slide show[/QUOTE]

More like 35fps outdoors... and yes I had everything maxed at that res.

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