Sunday, April 11, 2010

what is ADSL 2 and is it fast?

im getting a faster connection tomorrow and i just wanted to know if ADSL 2 is fast or not it doesnt make any sense to mewhat is ADSL 2 and is it fast? terms: ADSL2 is fast. Really fast. But whether or not it's worth the extra cost over standard ADSL remains questionable. what is ADSL 2 and is it fast?
[QUOTE=''Wesker776''] terms: ADSL2 is fast. Really fast. But whether or not it's worth the extra cost over standard ADSL remains questionable. [/QUOTE] fast? like how fast? give us some numbers
After 10Mbps
Well for here in Australia, ADSL2+ (not to be confused with just ADSL2) can achieve speeds of up to 24mb per second downstream and up to 1.5mb per second upstream through the copper telephone cables (it can be higher). The big phone companies of Optus and Telstra have this new ADSL, they call it Optus DSL Direct and Telstra Next-G/Cable Extreme, but other ISPs like TPG and iiNet have this new service. But this all depends on where you live, if you live close to a telephone exchange that is ADSL2 ready, then you can expect pretty high speeds, but if you are like me, around 5-6kms away from it, don't expect great speeds (I'm connected to TPG ADSL2+ and I can get around 150kbs max at my house)

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